Chat Folders Overview

All chats that come to the team are separated into the next default folders:

My Chats

The chat folder **My** is the folder where go all assigned to a particular agent/manager chats either they assigned were assigned by themself or some other agent. Chats stay here until they are closed.

The folder **My** has the counter showing how many chats are inside it.

Open Chats

When the bot can’t handle a user’s request or a question, it assigns these unhandled chats to the team. The team can find them in the chat folder **Open**.

As well as the **My** folder, **Open** has the counter of chats inside.

Closed Chats

All chats closed by the team go to the folder **Closed Chats**. Another case is when the chat wasn’t assigned to anybody and left idle (no new messages inside it) for 30 days—it also goes to the closed chats folder.

Bot Chats

Often, the team needs to see how exactly the bot handles chats and if automatizations work properly. For this goal, an agent can go to the folder **Bot Chats** and see all chats that were not assigned to the team yet.